
Are you a regular reader of JUST ADD COLOR who would love to put in your opinion about popular issues affecting diversity in America? Are you a new reader who wants a shot at becoming a published writer? JUST ADD COLOR is now accepting guest posts!

JUST ADD COLOR is run by one person (me), and while I do my best to showcase as many issues as possible, I’m also just one person who is sometimes limited by my own worldview. A black cis woman can’t be an Asian disabled bi man or a Middle Eastern trans woman. That’s where you come in.

If there’s an issue pressing on your heart, an issue you feel has been neglected by the media, or TV and film reviews you want published for the world to see, use JUST ADD COLOR as your platform! Send me a pitch at monique@justaddcoloronline.com with the subject line “JUST ADD COLOR/PITCH:”XX” (with “XX” featuring the title of your post). All guest posts are unpaid, but you can use this opportunity to get your footing in the blogging world and exercise your writing skills to advance your writing career!

If you know someone who would love a chance to publish a guest post, please share this post with them! I can’t wait to read your posts!

Types of posts allowed:

#DifferenceMakers: Posts that highlight individuals or pieces of media that aim to make a difference in how marginalized communities are perceived  or help highlight a specific real-world issue

#YourBigBreak: Know a great opportunity for JUST ADD COLOR readers? Write about it, along with any other pertinent information and links prospective applicants need to know.

Media: Do you have critique of a particular TV show for film? Do you want to write a media literacy piece on a particular show or film or a part of media in general? Do you want to write an ode to a particular fandom and/or fan pairing? The JUST ADD COLOR readership wants to know!

Culture: Do you have something you want to say about politics, pop culture, YouTube, or a cultural phenomenon (either nationally or internationally)? Let us hear about it!

Issues+Activism: Activism has taken seen a renaissance, and JUST ADD COLOR wants to cover it. If you follow activism on a regular basis and want to highlight an activist group and/or issues that are affecting today’s society, here’s your platform.


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