I honestly can’t say I’m surprised, given the talk/excuse about the rumored event of the Selma team not sending out screeners (which I don’t completely believe because something seems left out of the story), but I am a little sad that Selma‘s been snubbed at the Oscars.


At least it’s up for the big nomination—Best Picture—but David Oyelowo deserved a nod for playing Martin Luther King Jr. and frankly, Oprah deserved a nod just for being Oprah. But seriously, the film deserved a little more recognition for being a timely reminder that the fight for civil rights isn’t over and that we all have to be vigilant and open-minded when it comes to honest discussions (and, frankly, battles) about race and privilege. 

The internet and movie writers including writers at The Hollywood Reporter and Vulture reacted in kind, which is sometimes rare when it comes to movie discussion. Everyone is of the opinion that it’s a disgrace that the (domestic) Oscars are, once again, all white.

With this much frustration, people took to the place that’s now becoming Social Justice Central — Twitter. And lo, the creation of #OscarsSoWhite was born. Here are some of the best and provocative tweets:

There’s plenty more, but just go to the hashtag and see them for yourself. What do you think about this years’ nominees? And are you even going to watch? Because, honestly, I might just see what horrific dresses people are wearing on the red carpet and then tune out. Give your opinions in the comments section!