The 2018 midterms are coming, and after that, it’s time to get ready to elect the next President of the United States. As The March For Our Lives activist David Hogg tweeted, “I choose to believe in a better future, a clearer future and a safer future, I believe in hope because I believe in you.” However none of this dream happens unless we don’t get out and vote. And if you haven’t registered to vote, then you definitely, definitely need to. With environmental protections, women’s rights, civil rights, and general decency on the line, your vote counts more than ever. While Hogg has tweets that are meant to inspire, he also has a tweet that should spur you into action.
“Treat every election like it’s the last one you’ll ever have.”
You can register to vote below via Other pages via include:
Absentee ballot page
Verify voter registration status
Election reminders
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*I don’t collect or retain any of your personal information on any of these voter-related pages. These tools are provided for website owners by, which “uses technology to simplify political engagement, increase voter turnout, and strengthen American democracy.”

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