Search results for: star wars

Looking for Love in Invisible Spaces: Meta & the Gap in LGBT Representation

6 Minutes read

As featured in COLORBLOCK Magazine, February 2016 The patchiness of LGBT representation occurred due to several factors, such as cultural reticence, religious arguments, and entertainment companies worried about their bottom line domestically and internationally. The voids in representation have led to fans coming to their own rescue and creating alternate (and sometimes more accurate) readings…

The Heartbreak of LGBT Representation

6 Minutes read

As featured in COLORBLOCK Magazine, February 2016 There’s a lot of diversity in entertainment nowadays. Or is there? To say there’s “lots of diversity” in the media is to at once tell the truth and to lie. While the amount of non-white faces has increased in television and that the biggest movie of 2015, Star…

Diverse Film Alert: “Suicide Squad,” “Birth of a Nation” + More

3 Minutes read

With so much news surrounding diverse films and a lack of credit given to them, it seems prudent to revive my once-regular series of posts showing off films featuring diversity. So without further ado, let’s get into it. There will be videos, press releases, and other stuff, so just take everything in as best as…

#OscarsSoWhite Dominates Oscar Nomination Talk

7 Minutes read

The Oscar nominations have been released, and the talk isn’t about who people want to win, but about why the list of nominees aren’t more diverse. This makes the second year that #OscarsSoWhite has dominated the social media and real world discussions about the highest honor in film, but this year is just one of…

Casting News: Disney Channel and Disney XD Casting Calls, "Sleepy Hollow" News + More

2 Minutes read

Tons of casting news! I’m only spending a sentence on each; click the links to learn more about each item.

MOC Monday: Donnie Yen

2 Minutes read

Donnie Yen is best known for his role in the iconic Ip Man, but now, Ip Man might be going to into outer space. 

Trailers, Promos and Posters: A Backlog of TV Trailers, Movie Photos and More

3 Minutes read

TONS OF NEWS to discuss since I was absent last week. Mainly, we’ve got tons of TV trailers from AMC, NBC, FOX, ABC, and CBS to take a look at. So before I get to any posters and whathaveyou, let’s get these trailers out of the way.  (Note, all except the AMC trailer are in…

Disney's Princess Problem: Why "Princess of North Sudan" Highlights Need for Disney's Princess Rehaul

9 Minutes read

Even though there are critiques about Lupita Nyong’o being a CG character in Star Wars Episode VI: The Force Awakens and people are annoyed with Avengers: Age of Ultron, Disney has, for the most part, been pleasing many fans with their Marvel and Lucasfilm acquisitions, along with their other Disney properties. But Disney has finally hit a wall with…

MOC Monday: John Boyega and Michael B. Jordan

1 Minute read

Why am I featuring these two today? Because they’re both in some big movies!

WOC Wednesday: Lupita Nyong'o

2 Minutes read

I can’t have a WOC Wednesday post without Lupita Nyong’o being on the list.

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