Search results for: casting news

JUST ADD COLOR’s Rumi Online Roundtable with Mihrimah Irena, Rana Tahir, Imran Siddiquee, Nora Rahimian and Evadney Petgrave

19 Minutes read

Jalal al-Din Mohammad Balkhi, the Sufi mystic and popular 13th century Persian poet better known as Rumi, is going to become a Hollywood superstar. Great; we’re getting diversity in storytelling, right? It would appear that it’s only a mirage. Despite the film focusing on a popular Middle Eastern historical figure, and despite screenwriter David Franzoni stating that he’s…

“Me Before You” Sparks Outrage with Disabled Audiences

8 Minutes read

Me Before You looks, at first glance from the poster, like a typical, probably shlocky romantic movie. But that innocuous poster hides what many have stated is a sinister message. Like me, you probably didn’t read the book (or ever hear of the book until the movie came out), but Me Before You is the adaptation of…

The Inside Scoop on #BlackPantherSoLIT + What Marvel Can Learn From It

7 Minutes read

If you’ve been on the internet and haven’t heard of #BlackPantherSoLIT, then you are clearly doing something wrong. The hashtag went viral once news of Michael B. Jordan and Lupita Nyong’o joining the film adpation of Black Panther spread. As countless articles have already said, the fact that the hashtag went viral two years–two years–before the…

Recapping #WhitewashedOUT and the excitement for “Crazy, Rich Asians”

10 Minutes read

Edited to reflect the full team behind #whitewashedOUT JUST ADD COLOR has been doing some major coverage about the whitewashing of Ghost in the Shell and Doctor Strange, and if you read my virtual roundtable with The Nerds of Color’s Keith Chow and Afronerd and Renegade Nerd’s Claire Lanay, you might have seen some mention of…

JUST ADD COLOR’s “Ghost in the Shell” and “Dr. Strange” Online Roundtable featuring Claire Lanay and Keith Chow

27 Minutes read

Ghost in the Shell and Dr. Strange are two of the latest in a litany of projects in Hollywood that have whitewashed and otherwise erased Asian identity from film. The films have been an issue for as much as a year in advance (or, in Ghost in the Shell’s case, longer) before their initial releases,…

CW’s “Riverdale” Takes Archie Comics Out of the 1940s

10 Minutes read

As you will see in a few days on JUST ADD COLOR, I am a huge Archie Comics aficionado. Back in the mid ’90s, when I was still in middle school, I happened to pick up an Archie Comics digest from the grocery store, and fell in love with these kids’ hijinks and the art…

“Sleepy Hollow” Post-Mortem: The Death of Abbie and the Painful Erasure of Black Women

19 Minutes read

The formulation of this post started at some point between this tweet: Me an hour and a half after #SleepyHollow #SleepyHolla — Monique Jones (@moniqueblognet) April 9, 2016 And this tweet: What’s amazing is that everyone, fans and critics, feel disappointed & angered beyond belief. We’re all grieving. #SleepyHollow #SleepyHolla — Monique Jones (@moniqueblognet)…

#DifferenceMakers: 4 New Racial/Gender Representation Initiatives

3 Minutes read

The #OscarsSoWhite controversy has shaken up Hollywood in one of the best ways possible. While there’s something that can be said for the lack of focus on other forms of representation in Hollywood (the media has been mostly focusing on the outward racial aspects and not other aspects of representation such as characters with physical or mental…

Exclusive Interview: April Reign Discusses the Effect of #OscarsSoWhite

16 Minutes read

#OscarsSoWhite has been the headlining news topic, and with so many opinions out there about the hashtag and the movement, the one opinion that’s probably the most important to understand is the opinion of the hashtag’s creator herself. April Reign, managing editor of Broadway Black, spoke with JUST ADD COLOR about the creation of #OscarsSoWhite,…

“Sleepy Hollow” Ratings Woes: Should You Be Worried?

18 Minutes read

Edited to reflect more accuracy with ratings numbers I’ve been keeping tabs on Sleepy Hollow‘s ratings this season, and even though we’re only three episodes into the season, I think it’s time to start looking at things objectively instead of subjectively. Sleepy Hollow is facing some tough times when it comes to ratings, and if support doesn’t…

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