Search results for: lgbtq

Exclusive Interview: #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend Creator Jessica Salerno

6 Minutes read

The voices are getting louder and stronger for Hollywood, Disney in particular, to include LGBT characters in their properties. A few weeks ago, the hashtags #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend and #GiveElsaAGirlfriend trended on Twitter, showing not only how vast the audience is for mainstream LGBT content (unlike what Hollywood studios think), but also the urgency with which this type…

#DifferenceMakers: The Disability Visibility Project

4 Minutes read

The fight for racial and cultural diversity is something that’s been heavily publicized, but other diversity fights, such as the struggle to showcase the stories and issues of people with disabilities, is constantly unfairly overshadowed. There are a lot of biases in America when it comes to disability and the perception of “usefulness.” NPR’s Laurie…

“Incredible Girl” Provides Space for Alternate Relationships

4 Minutes read

Ready to learn about more than just the two-person relationship dynamic? If you’ve raised your hands, consider me right there along with you, because in the spirit of being well-rounded, I’m highly fascinated to see the new pilot, Incredible Girl. The webisode is created by Celia Aurora de Blas and Teresa Jusino (whose written work you…

What “The 100” Didn’t Learn from “Teen Wolf”

6 Minutes read

SPOILERS BELOW! Do you watch the CW’s The 100? The show was breaking ground with its same-sex relationship between fan favorites Lexa and Clarke, but something happened recently that left fans up in arms. If you’re not up to speed, here’s what happened. Lexa inexplicably died during the latest season, leaving fans who loved the…

#OscarsSoWhite Gets Academy Results and Old Guard Fallout

16 Minutes read

There has been too much Oscars news lately! Well, complaining is wrong; there’s been just the right amount of Oscars news since it’s actually news affecting change. And in the past 24+ hours, there has been tons of movement (and tons of upset). Here’s what’s happened in four sections. The facts The big fact of the weekend…

The Breakout Fandom Couple of 2015: Stormpilot (“Star Wars: The Force Awakens”)

16 Minutes read

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has indeed awakened the slumbering mass that is the Star Wars fandom, which has been waiting for the franchise’s return to greatness. The film, starring and John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, and Oscar Isaac (as well as the members of the original cast), has already reached $1.23B at the time of this…

The Bruce Jenner Interview: An Intersection Between Honesty and Fame

6 Minutes read

*In the interview, Bruce Jenner used male pronouns when describing himself, so, as ABC News did, I’ll use male pronouns when referring to Jenner in this post.  I, like most of America, watched the Diane Sawyer 20/20 interview with Bruce Jenner, who has confirmed that he is going through a sexual reassignment process. I had many thoughts running…

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