Search results for: women

Tons of Movie and TV Casting News!

4 Minutes read

There’s just so much casting news that I’m going to do this really quick. Only one to two sentences for each item; you can read the rest at the links provided.

"Fresh Off the Boat" Recap: "The Shunning" and "Success Perms"

7 Minutes read

I’m recapping Fresh Off the Boat now! WHOO! Let’s get into it.

"Sleepy Hollow" recap: "What Lies Beneath"

9 Minutes read

Do my eyes deceive me? Did we actually have an old-school episode of Sleepy Hollow?! This episode, “What Lies Beneath” was full of scary monsters and tons of teamwork with Abbie and Ichabod in the A-story, and even some heavy lifting by Jenny and Irving in the B-story! Even Thomas Jefferson’s presence (Steven Weber) didn’t bring…

Exclusive Interview: Malia Dawkins (Writer, "Rapunzel Jackson")

10 Minutes read

Malia Dawkins is known for her acting work on shows like Jonas and Wizards of Waverly Place, but now she’s adding the titles of screenwriter and producer to her list of talents. Dawkins’ first film, Rapunzel Jackson, created through her production company East to West Productions, is set to show at Los Angeles’ Pan African Film Festival, and I…

"Empire" recap: "Dangerous Bonds"

7 Minutes read

Empire is really introducing some hard “OMG” moments now with the episode “Dangerous Bonds.” I don’t know what I’m excited/scared for the most—Andre tearing his brothers apart or Cookie running for her life now that she’s got some powerful gangsters killed!

"Sleepy Hollow": Evil Irving, the Return of Ichabbie and Katrina's Dark Side

6 Minutes read

Last night’s Sleepy Hollow, “Spellcaster,” is possibly the first episode in a long time that has left me pondering about theories and stuff. That’s great—in that respect, it feels more like the show I originally loved. Also great is that the Cancellation Bear has Sleepy Hollow at “likely to be renewed” by May, the deadline for networks…

"Selma": David Oyelowo States Academy Awards More for "Subservient" Black Roles

4 Minutes read

David Oyelowo is proving why I made him an MOC Monday post. This guy not only knows when to help folks who’ve made mistakes (i.e. his buddy, Benedict Cumberbatch), but also when to hold people to task for racially-charged selective memories. Today, Oyelowo took the Academy to task for their penchant for only awarding black actors…

What is #ShameonShonda? Tweets from the Confusing Hashtag

11 Minutes read

I got back on Twitter today to find out that yet another hashtag has come up, but this one has me really confused, especially since I’m not a Grey’s Anatomy viewer. Apparently, there’s a hashtag called #ShameonShonda. Why are we on Shonda Rhimes’ case yet again?

"HTGAWM" recap: "Hello Raskolnikov"

4 Minutes read

How to Get Away with Murder was back in fighting form yesterday, which meant being a confusing ride filled with moments of Viola Davis slaying the scene with looks, attitude, and wigs. That sounds like I’m demeaning the show, but I’m not.

"Bye Felicia!": A Look at VH1's New Makeover Show

5 Minutes read

I’d heard a lot about Bye Felicia!, a new makeover show on VH1. A lot of what I’d heard was bad news.

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