Search results for: sony

Casting News: Ava DuVernay for Marvel, More James Wan, Common and Dwayne Johnson News

9 Minutes read

You know what this is—it’s in the title. Let’s get into it. Two to three weeks worth of news! (silently crying inside at how deceptively hard these types of posts are):

MOC Monday: Randall Park

2 Minutes read

This week’s MOC Monday is Randall Park! Thank goodness we’ll be able to see him again now that we know Fresh Off the Boat is coming back! WHOO! More on this and other TV news later. (I have a lot of catching up to do because I’ve been on the move.)

Deadline Offers Apology for "Ethnic Castings" Post

5 Minutes read

Deadline was raked across the coals for its “ethnic castings” post written by Nellie Andreeva. The post made everyone upset (with “upset” being an understated description of the actual anger that the post caused). You can see what I wrote about the post here.

Casting News: More TV and Movie Roles! (EAT IT, DEADLINE!)

4 Minutes read

The title says it all, doesn’t it? Nellie Andreeva needs to go sit somewhere. Anyways, here’s the latest round of TV and movie castings and news:

ICYMI: This Week in Blogs

4 Minutes read

I’ve been a little behind on my blog recommendations, so some of these posts will be from weeks prior. But some are current. In any case, they’re all insightful. 

Fantasy Casting: Who Could Play Brad Katsuyama in "Flash Boys"?

3 Minutes read

A few weeks ago, I was issued the call to participate in FictionDiversity’s #TheSorkinChallenge, a challenge to cast the film adaptation of the Michael Lewis novel Flash Boys, a non-fiction book centered around data links, stock exchanges, and the Brad Katsuyama’s creation of the IEX, a stock exchange meant to make exchanges fairer.

Writing Contributors

3 Minutes read

Do you like what you read on COLOR and want to support the site with your writing? First, thanks for thinking so highly of the site, and second, you can contribute! I must say upfront that writing guest posts for COLOR is an unpaid position. At this point, I can’t pay contributors, even though I’d…

Benedict Cumberbatch's "Colored"-gate: A Hilarious Romp Through Antiquated Speech

8 Minutes read

Poor, poor Benedict Cumberbatch. If you happen to read this for whatever reason, Benedict, just know that you gave me a good cackle, and I can only imagine how embarrassed you are.

"Selma": Birmingham, AL, Trenton, NJ and Google Join in on Free Screenings

7 Minutes read

Selma is still going strong, and I couldn’t be happier, especially since the free student screenings have finally come to Birmingham (as well as Trenton, NJ)! I was waiting on this to happen, since Birmingham is one of the epicenters of the civil rights movement. I am surprised Mayor Bell, who always has something to…

Rev. Al Sharpton and Spike Lee Criticize Lack of Oscar Nomination Diversity

2 Minutes read

There’s still fallout from the lack of minorities nominated for Oscar nominations. While there was a hashtag yesterday, there’s more concrete outrage from two of Hollywood’s biggest criticizers, Spike Lee and Rev. Al Sharpton. Both men gave statements on the issue, and both said their sentiments in their own way.

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