Search results for: black lives matter

George Romero’s zombies will make Americans reflect on racial violence long after his death

5 Minutes read

Annual 2010 zombie march in Madrid, an homage to George A. Romero. AP Photo/Paul White Erin C. Cassese, West Virginia University “What’s your zombie apocalypse survival plan?” The question invites the liveliest discussions of the semester. I teach a course on social movements in fiction and film at West Virginia University, where I also conduct…

Exclusive Interview: “Pretty Dudes” creator Chance Calloway on the power of inclusive webseries

12 Minutes read

You learned a little bit about the inner-workings of Pretty Dude creator Chance Calloway in his #RepresentYourStory article; now he’s back in a full-length interview! Pretty Dudes has recently wrapped its two-part season finale as well as filming for its theme song music video, all of which is available on the series’ YouTube page. Calloway, who…

Netflix is 3% Closer, but Still Fighting White Supremacy Saviors

15 Minutes read

Eric S.B. Originally published on Nerds of Color At this point, it’s damn near impossible to keep up with the onslaught of Netflix original programming. Along with all of the film and series content, the tentacles of the entertainment Kraken inevitably started reaching out for more international collaborations. Around Thanksgiving we were treated to the…

Resist Trump’s agenda with these 15 steps

13 Minutes read

You’ve been reading the news, imagining what America under a President Donald Trump would be like, and the thought of it makes you want to do something. But what? If Trump’s presidential win has fired you up and you’re ready to go, but you need some direction, check out this list of 15 steps you…

Comedy Troupe Skewers Police Brutality with Hilarious Viral Video

2 Minutes read

Everyone’s been talking about police brutality, from Colin Kaepernick to movie stars to Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. Now, you can add a Los Angeles acting company to the list. Black Magic Live, a production company monthly sketch show in Los Angeles, recently created a video to call out police acting outside of the law….

Exclusive Interview: Alice Wong (the Disability Visibility Project)

8 Minutes read

The Disability Visibility Project (DVP) is a site everyone working towards equal representation needs to visit. Too often, those of us in the online field of social justice journalism/opinion-making stay within the racial and sexuality boundaries and forget that there is yet another group we need to reach out to; those with disabilities. People with disabilities…

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