Search results for: race

"Best American Poetry": Michael Derrick Hudson's Written Yellowface and Sherman Alexie's Confounding Explanation

12 Minutes read

Have you heard about the craziness involving prominent writer Sherman Alexie, his editorship of Best American Poetry and the poet Yi-Fen Chou? If not, then buckle up, because this is going to be a bumpy ride. 

Twitter's Latest Dragging Features Matt Damon and #Damonsplaining

9 Minutes read

If there’s anything I’ve learned from being on Twitter and from having a website, it’s always making sure that you think twice (and perhaps three times or more) about what you’re about to say and who you’re about to say it to. If, for any reason, you feel you shouldn’t say something and can, perhaps, learn…

Media Kit

1 Minute read

COLOR is a pop culture site focusing on the intersection of race, culture, feminism, sexuality in modern entertainment. COLOR brings the best of TV recapping, fandom engagement and pop culture criticism together in one engaging, entertaining, and informative package. COLOR is the epitome of today’s young adults; fandom-focused, socially conscious, out-of-the-box thinkers who are not…

"Too Street"-gate: "James Bond" Author's Comments Reveal Racialized Class-Based Politics

7 Minutes read

Tuesday saw Idris Elba trending on Twitter. It wasn’t because of a new movie. It was because the author of the current James Bond novels said that Elba was “too street” to play the classic spy character. 

"Stonewall" Whitewashing Revealed in New Trailer

2 Minutes read

Whitewashing takes its toll again in the new trailer for Stonewall. Hollywood knows it can make people happy and angry at the same time; it’s a coup for the LGBT community and the public at large that a movie about Stonewall is even getting made. But the big aggravation is that the trailers has a white…

Check Out Tons of Film Stills from The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

4 Minutes read

Remember Snatch, starring Benecio Del Toro and Brad Pitt and Dennis Farina and all those cool people? I’m sure you remember Sherlock Holmes, starring Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law. Both films were directed by Guy Ritchie, and if you’re a fan of his directorial resume, then prepare yourself for The Man from U.N.C.L.E.

MOC Monday: Michael B. Jordan

3 Minutes read

Fantastic Four might be suffering at the box office, but that won’t stop me from supporting Michael B. Jordan’s turn as The Human Torch. 

Exclusive Interview: Leigh Dana Jackson (Writer/Producer, "Sleepy Hollow")

7 Minutes read

This is possibly the most anticipated interview I’ve done in a while, and the excitement has been such that it scared me, to be honest. But here it is, the interview with Leigh Dana Jackson, one of the writers and producers of Sleepy Hollow. For those of us who have watched Sleepy Hollow since the beginning, most…

Native and Black Solidarity: Why Mykki Blanco Is Right

16 Minutes read

James Baldwin is quoted as saying, “To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage almost all the time.” If that’s true for black people, I’d say the same has to be true for Native Americans, particularly since they were the first non-white people of America…

ICYMI: This Week in Blogs

2 Minutes read

Here’s some of the stuff I read this week:

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