Search results for: selma

Writing Contributors

3 Minutes read

Do you like what you read on COLOR and want to support the site with your writing? First, thanks for thinking so highly of the site, and second, you can contribute! I must say upfront that writing guest posts for COLOR is an unpaid position. At this point, I can’t pay contributors, even though I’d…

Tons of Movie and TV Casting News!

4 Minutes read

There’s just so much casting news that I’m going to do this really quick. Only one to two sentences for each item; you can read the rest at the links provided.

Exclusive Interview: Mpho Koaho ("Black or White")

9 Minutes read

Black or White is a film that’s hoping to give people new things to think about when it comes to dealing with race relations, especially those involving multiracial families. Kevin Costner believes heavily in the film, and it’s a lot of his stories about the journey it took to bring Black or White to the screen that has…

Benedict Cumberbatch's "Colored"-gate: A Hilarious Romp Through Antiquated Speech

8 Minutes read

Poor, poor Benedict Cumberbatch. If you happen to read this for whatever reason, Benedict, just know that you gave me a good cackle, and I can only imagine how embarrassed you are.

MOC Monday: David Oyelowo

2 Minutes read

I think it’s only fitting that David Oyelowo get the coveted MOC Monday spot, since he did such a fantastic job as Martin Luther King Jr. in Selma. If you haven’t seen that film, then I suggest you rectify that and go see it pronto.

Rev. Al Sharpton and Spike Lee Criticize Lack of Oscar Nomination Diversity

2 Minutes read

There’s still fallout from the lack of minorities nominated for Oscar nominations. While there was a hashtag yesterday, there’s more concrete outrage from two of Hollywood’s biggest criticizers, Spike Lee and Rev. Al Sharpton. Both men gave statements on the issue, and both said their sentiments in their own way.

ICYMI: The Four Best Moments from Golden Globes (and One that Wasn't)

2 Minutes read

It’s Friday, but I’m Just now getting around to The Golden Globes! I can’t say I watched the full program, but I did see what everyone was talking about on Twitter. On the whole, the program boiled down to these five moments, only four of which are without scandal.

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