Search results for: black lives matter

Twitter Users Create #NativeLivesMatter In Response to Killing of Unarmed Native American Men

3 Minutes read

We’ve seen #BlackLivesMatter and now #MuslimLivesMatter, but there’s yet another hashtag bringing awareness to marginalized people who are constantly subjected to unwarranted violence, Native Americans. The hashtag #NativeLivesMatter brings to light the sheer volume of Native deaths at the hands of police that occurred last year and years prior.

Twitter's Response to #ChapelHillShooting and #MuslimLivesMatter

4 Minutes read

It was pretty heartbreaking to wake up to the news that three Muslim students had been murdered in their apartment. Craig Stephen Hicks has been charged with the deaths of Deah Shaddy Barakat, his wife Yusor Mohammad and Mohammad’s sister, Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha. The police believe Hicks killed the students over a parking dispute, but…

D'Angelo and The Vanguard's "Saturday Night Live" Performance Kicks Black History Off Right

2 Minutes read

EDITED TO INCLUDE VIDEO Black History Month is here and believe it or not, the BHM kick-off party happened on Saturday Night Live. Not only were there tons of jokes about racial appropriation (that scathing Iggy Azalea joke, the digital short about the “true” biopic about Jay-Z starring Mike O’Brien, aka a white dude on SNL, and…

#CrimingWhileWhite and #AliveWhileBlack Show Stark Contrasts in America

8 Minutes read

In the few days after the no indictment decision from New York concerning the Eric Garner case, Twitter has been a firestorm of discussion about race, policing, and crime. Two hashtags that developed include #AliveWhileBlack and #CrimingWhileWhite.

#BlackoutEveryday Holiday: Black-owned online stores for the man in your life

3 Minutes read

After the grand jury verdict in Ferguson, MO, many have participated in #BlackOutFriday, an economic protest to show that black dollars, which make up about $1 trillion of the country’s revenue, isn’t worth more than black lives.

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