Search results for: book of life

#RepresentYourStory: Shaun Lau of No, Totally! on Overcoming Self-Hate

4 Minutes read

“The worship of whiteness as a person of color requires and encourages self-hatred.” Does this statement resonate with you? This is part of the personal story of Shaun Lau, creator of podcast site “No, Totally!”, a site that actually was the genesis of this #RepresentYourStory project. As I’ve written on the #RepresentYourStory page, this project…

The Sikh Coalition’s Photography Exhibition, The Sikh Project, To Debut

3 Minutes read

If you’re in New York Sept. 17, check out a very special photography exhibit. The Sikh Coalition is debuting their first ever Sikh photography exhibition in the U.S! The exhibition, “The Sikh Project,” is the result of a partnership between The Sikh Coalition and British photographers Amit and Naroop. As The Sikh Coalition states, the exhibit…

Now that Nate Parker’s apologized, will you see “The Birth of a Nation”?

11 Minutes read

I’ve belabored the idea of writing this post because, honestly, I’ve been trying to figure out for myself exactly where I fall on the issue of Nate Parker. To be more specific, I’d been waiting to see if he’d ever issue a fuller apology after the various non-apologies he gave after the news of his…

15 #DarkSkinnedHeroines Who Will Reaffirm Your Worth

7 Minutes read

At the time Leslie Jones’ Twitter harassment happened, I didn’t know how to write about it. Not because I wasn’t upset by it—I most definitely was. But I was saddened by it to the point where I didn’t want to write about it. But sometimes, not talking about something does just as much damage as…

#RepresentYourStory: The Unicorn Effect: Finding Self-Love and Acceptance as a Disabled Black Woman

7 Minutes read

By Vilissa Thompson, LMSW I am Black. I am physically disabled. I am a woman. It has taken me almost 30 years to embrace all of my identities at the same time. Growing up, I never felt fully included within any of the three groups.  Being in a wheelchair made me stand out in the…

New Trailer for “Loving” Released, Film to Open in Select Cities

2 Minutes read

Loving looks like it’s going to be a film that will not only tug at the heartstrings, but will also tug at the Academy’s strings as well. It truly looks like Loving is going to be that film that blows everyone away, especially in these hate-filled times. It’d the nice to be reminded about how simple…

Critics Show Their Frustration for “The Legend of Tarzan”

5 Minutes read

The Legend of Tarzan is a film you already knew was going to be received poorly just from the trailer, if not the name of the film itself. Even the synopsis of the film is one that would raise eyebrows. It has been years since the man once known as Tarzan (Alexander Skarsgård) left the…

CROSS-POST: “Finding Dory,” Disability Culture, and Collective Access

12 Minutes read

Post provided by Alice Wong of the Disability Visibility Project On June 25th, I saw Finding Dory after reading many positive reviews and recommendations from my disabled friends. I wasn’t disappointed. There was so much to unpack and process when I got home that I decided to write this review/essay. Finding Dory is film depicts…

Trailer, Posters, & Images from “Deepwater Horizon” Released

2 Minutes read

Jane the Virgin star Gina Rodriguez is starring in an upcoming drama about the real-life tragedy surrounding the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in 2010, something the gulf coast is still recovering from. The film, Deepwater Horizon, has released images, posters, and of course the trailer, which you can check out below the post. Deepwater Horizon, which also…

“Me Before You” Sparks Outrage with Disabled Audiences

8 Minutes read

Me Before You looks, at first glance from the poster, like a typical, probably shlocky romantic movie. But that innocuous poster hides what many have stated is a sinister message. Like me, you probably didn’t read the book (or ever hear of the book until the movie came out), but Me Before You is the adaptation of…

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