Search results for: women

Racially insensitive casting: Zach McGowan as Ben Kanahele in “Ni’ihau”

2 Minutes read

Another day, another whitewashing controversy. This one has been brewing for some days now, and it involves a historical film called Ni’ihau. The film is based on a true story of a Japanese WWII pilot crash landing on Hawaii, where he was taken in by local leader Ben Kanahele. Here’s the full scoop from Deadline: …Shigenori Nishikaichi,…

Exclusive Interview: “Pretty Dudes” creator Chance Calloway on the power of inclusive webseries

12 Minutes read

You learned a little bit about the inner-workings of Pretty Dude creator Chance Calloway in his #RepresentYourStory article; now he’s back in a full-length interview! Pretty Dudes has recently wrapped its two-part season finale as well as filming for its theme song music video, all of which is available on the series’ YouTube page. Calloway, who…

Support interracial film “Those People,” and win a VIP invitation!

3 Minutes read

You might have remembered my interview with screenwriter Janice Rhoshalle Littlejohn about her upcoming film Lovers in Their Right Mind. I now have a huge update to share! The film, now called Those People: A Love Story, is in its third week of its crowdsourcing campaign Seed&Spark. The film focuses on a black woman who falls in love with…

“Into the Badlands” recap: Lost redemption and failed escapes

13 Minutes read

Into the Badlands, Season 2 | Episode 3, “Red Sun, Silver Moon” | Aired Apr. 2, 2017 Into the Badlands is a show that just keeps getting better and better each episode. As Daniel Wu said in his recent interview with Nerds of Color, he wanted to bring Hong Kong-style martial arts to America, and I dare…

You know that picture of the 19th century black equestrian? She’s getting a movie!

3 Minutes read

If you’re a person who lives on the side of Diversity-in-History Twitter, then you’ve seen this picture of this enigmatic equestrian over and over again. You’ve probably wondered what her backstory is, what her station was in life, and what she thought of the times she lived in. Lucky for us, she’s getting her own short film!…

Human sex is not simply male or female. So what?

7 Minutes read

Sex is a divisive topic, loaded with moral weight and the scientific stamp of truth. The word ‘sex’ is of French (sexe) and Latin (sexus) origins, with sexus connected to secare (to cut/divide) and seco (half of). It is no surprise, then, that the sex binary is so firmly rooted in Euro-American thought, along with…

The night when straight white males tried to kill disco

10 Minutes read

‘This wouldn’t have happened if they had country and western night.’ Richard Wortham, White Sox pitcher It was a muggy summer night in South Side, Chicago in 1979. In and around Comiskey Park, home to the long-struggling White Sox baseball team, the scene was one of total chaos. Thousands of working- and middle-class young men, predominately…

“Into the Badlands” Season 2 recap: Quinn’s back and creepier than ever

9 Minutes read

Into the Badlands Season 2 | Episode 2, “Force of Eagle’s Claw” | Aired March 26, 2017  Let’s start at the ending this time around: Quinn is a creepy mo-fo. I don’t think I have words that express just how twisted Quinn is. He’s like any twisted plantation owner turned up to 11. Heck, I…

“Into the Badlands” Season 2 premiere is a masterclass in inclusive TV

7 Minutes read

It’s already a cliche to say this, but Into the Badlands Season 2 showed up Iron Fist in nearly every way possible. If there Hollywood needed an example of how to make an inclusive martial arts-based action show that doesn’t appropriate cultures but actually respectfully melds cultures together into something new and original, then Into the Badlands is that…

Fans sound off on their love for “Into the Badlands” couple Sunny and Veil

4 Minutes read

Into the Badlands is coming into its second season March 19, and even though we’re psyched about the level of action and and suspense, we’re also focused on the family aspect of the show, which is worrying about how Sunny’s going to get back to his family, Veil and their newborn baby. Check out the…

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