Search results for: moc monday

MOC Monday: The Filharmonic

1 Minute read

There’s no rule you can’t have more than one guy as the MOC Monday, right? Besides, this is my website; I can do what I want, right?

MOC Monday: Nicholas Gonzalez

2 Minutes read

I, like a lot of people, came to know Nicholas Gonzalez from his role on Sleepy Hollow. Of course, I was sad to see his character Luke get removed from the story.

MOC Monday: Adam Beach

2 Minutes read

Adam Beach has always been one of my favorites, and not just because of Smoke Signals.

MOC Monday: Dev Patel

2 Minutes read

Because this is the week of Chappie, this week’s MOC Monday honor goes to Dev Patel!

MOC Monday: Eddie Spears

1 Minute read

In honor of Sleepy Hollow‘s season finale, I’m making this week’s MOC Monday Eddie Spears, who played Big Ash in “And the Abyss Gazes Back.”

MOC Monday: Michael Ealy

1 Minute read

I haven’t featured Michael Ealy yet on my site, and it’s only out of restraint, because at the time (many months ago), the whole post would consist of “I’VE TALKED TO MICHAEL EALY! *FLAIL* *FLAIL*” Now though, I can say calmly that I have spoken to Michael Ealy, and it was great. But I’ve also got…

MOC Monday: Orlando Jones

3 Minutes read

Orlando Jones has the honored position of being the MOC Monday man of the day! The accolade couldn’t come at a better time, since it would seem that Jones’ Sleepy Hollow character, Frank Irving, is back from the dead and will (hopefully) be back on Team Witness! In any event, we can see Jones use his dramatic…

MOC Monday: David Oyelowo

2 Minutes read

I think it’s only fitting that David Oyelowo get the coveted MOC Monday spot, since he did such a fantastic job as Martin Luther King Jr. in Selma. If you haven’t seen that film, then I suggest you rectify that and go see it pronto.

MOC Monday: John Cho

2 Minutes read

Let’s give props to the guy who has entertained us as Harold in the Harold and Kumar series, Sulu in the Star Trek reboot series, the scary/tragic character Andy Brooks in Sleepy Hollow and the stuffy Henry Higgins on Selfie. Say hello to John Cho.

MOC Monday: Takeshi Kaga

1 Minute read

Are there any fans of the original Iron Chef here?

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