Search results for: black lives matter

How “Star Trek Beyond” Forgot About Black Men

8 Minutes read

Star Trek Beyond is a good movie. Some might even say it’s a great movie. It’s certainly a sad movie, since it’s poor Anton Yelchin’s last film, not to mention that the film’s original intent was to honor the legacy of the late Leonard Nimoy. But for everything that’s great about it (“Night on the Yorktown”: GET…

For Lisa Turtle: On Being Black, Beautiful, and Still Not Enough

13 Minutes read

I’ve suddenly come to a realization. I am Saved by the Bell’s Lisa Turtle. I’m not her in the sense that I’m fabulously wealthy. The way I’m like Lisa Turtle is that on paper, I have what every guy is supposedly looking for (or so they say): brains, looks (if I may say so myself), talent, and…

Why Nicki Minaj’s New York Times Magazine Interview Matters

4 Minutes read

If you’re an old hat at this site, then you’ll know I’ve had my fair share of opinions about Nicki Minaj and some of the ways she presents herself. At the risk of sounding like the Respectability Police, the major issue I have with things like Anaconda is that it still exists within the realm of…

“black-ish” react: A Very Ironic Talk about Guns

5 Minutes read

When we were watching the latest black-ish episode, “Rock, Scissors, Paper, Gun,” little did we know that 24-hours later, we’d be witnessing yet another school massacre. It made the conversation that happened on black-ish paltry at best, irrelevant at worse. 

Tweets from the Blackout Music & Film Festival Show Solidarity, Activism and Fun

2 Minutes read

The Blackout Music & Film Festival took place this weekend, and I’m mad I couldn’t go, seeing how I’m not in Los Angeles. But, thankfully, Twitter was able to keep me updated as to what went on. If you were like me and couldn’t go physically but was there in spirit, here’s some of what…

Watch Film, Listen to Music, and Nurture Consciousness at the Blackout Music & Film Festival

6 Minutes read

One of the coolest events is happening in Los Angeles tomorrow (Sat. Aug. 29) called the Blackout Music & Film Festival. The event, which will take place primarily at the GRAMMY Museum at L.A. Live, will feature tons of entertainment, but also a socially conscious message of awareness and activism. 

Native and Black Solidarity: Why Mykki Blanco Is Right

16 Minutes read

James Baldwin is quoted as saying, “To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage almost all the time.” If that’s true for black people, I’d say the same has to be true for Native Americans, particularly since they were the first non-white people of America…

Sandra Bland and the Lack of Focus on Black Female Victims of Police Brutality

11 Minutes read

The Sandra Bland case is something that is really hard for me to write about, but it is very necessary for me to write about it. I am a black woman after all. My being a black woman is the very reason why it’s hard for me to write about this case because I could…

#SayHerName Gives Voice to Black Women Victimized by Police

6 Minutes read

I’ve covered police brutality on this site before, but usually, it’s in the form of black men being victims of the police. This time, I’m focusing on black women who have been victims of police brutality.

#BlackFutureMonth Celebrates The New Direction of the Black Diaspora

4 Minutes read

Black History Month is a month rife with controversy. In past years (like during my youth in the 1990s), people treated Black History Month with quite a bit of reverence and seriousness. Or at least, the amount of history projects I’d have to do and the number of times Roots was shown on television seemed to…

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