Search results for: color coded

When will other women of color have their Rose Tico moment in “Star Wars”?

9 Minutes read

I’ve seen Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and like the majority (save for a handful of fans, who I’ll have words about later on once spoiler fever has died down), I absolutely loved the film. The storyline and its more cerebral themes were amazing and refreshing–as SyFy Fangrrls/SyFyWire contributing editor Carly Lane wrote on Twitter, this…

Queer Coded: Amun (Spike's "Tut")

3 Minutes read

It’s been a few weeks out since Tut aired on Spike, and, to reiterate, I loved it. But I did notice one element of one of the characters that could be considered very loose queer coding, if you chose to see it that way. All this posturing is to say that the decision to show the evil…

Queer Coded: Carmilla

3 Minutes read

Carmilla is a vampire book that, in my opinion, really isn’t as veiled of a homoerotic piece of fiction like Dracula is. While Dracula is couched in mystery and has a fairly strong tug of (suspiciously aggressive) heterosexual love, Carmilla is  full-on lesbian erotica. But also like Dracula, it’s also a piece that functions as a cautionary tale against same-sex…

Queer Coded: Dracula

15 Minutes read

Little known fact: I am a huge vampire fan. I’ve read most of Anne Rice’s vampire books, have watched tons of vampire films and specials, and I was even given a book about the history of vampires in film to review. I love the idea of vampires so much because it’s a creative and unique…

Queer Coded: Captain America and the Falcon

10 Minutes read

All right, True Believers! Some of you may vehemently disagree with this…and a lot of you won’t, especially if you did some of the fandom digging I’ve done, and ESPECIALLY especially if you’ve watched Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier. If you’ve seen that film and you came away with the thought, “Are Cap and Falcon…

Queer Coded: Sam and Frodo ("The Lord of the Rings")

6 Minutes read

Yeah, The Lord of the Rings characters Frodo and Sam are queer-coded too, at least, to me, if not to everyone else. But if the large amount of fanfiction is anything to go by, along with some forums and the reactions my former classmates had to the scene at the end of Return of the King when it…

Queer Coded: Ratcliffe and Wiggins (Disney's "Pocahontas")

2 Minutes read

Ain’t no way you can argue that Wiggins and Ratcliffe aren’t the poster children for queer-coding in Hollywood.

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