Search results for: the red road

Netflix is 3% Closer, but Still Fighting White Supremacy Saviors

15 Minutes read

Eric S.B. Originally published on Nerds of Color At this point, it’s damn near impossible to keep up with the onslaught of Netflix original programming. Along with all of the film and series content, the tentacles of the entertainment Kraken inevitably started reaching out for more international collaborations. Around Thanksgiving we were treated to the…

One journalist’s take on Rachel Maddow’s #TrumpTaxReturns Reveal

6 Minutes read

Tuesday night, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow took her loyal fans and a whole host of newly-interested viewers on a journey about what could be in Donald Trump’s tax returns. She laid out a whole host of smoking guns that could be (and just might be, if we’re going by her journalism) in Trump’s taxes, with money…

Representation count: What “Rough Night” and “Girls Trip” mean for you

7 Minutes read

The upcoming film Rough Night is being marketed as the next feel-good comedy for raunchy feminist women looking for a film that portrays women as “women.” Starring Scarlett Johansson (who is currently taking an L for Ghost in the Shell), Zoë Kravitz, Kate McKinnon, Demi Moore, Colton Haynes, Jillian Bell, Ty Burrell, Dean Winters, Ilana…

It’s Day 2 and Cosmopolitan Magazine still hasn’t apologized for that racist “most beautiful women according to science” article

3 Minutes read

So, Cosmopolitan Magazine really thought they’d be able to post a near-Eugenics-style post and get away with it. They also think that they’ll be able to get away without an apology, either. It’s now Day 2 and we have yet to hear anything from Cosmopolitan. Earlier Sunday morning, Cosmopolitan posted “The 10 Most Beautiful Women in…

“Beauty and the Beast”: Let’s talk about LeFou – positive representation or token gay stereotype?

5 Minutes read

The big news coming out about Disney’s live-action Beauty and the Beast is that the Gaston’s sidekick character is gay. Not “coded as gay“–he’s actually, up and down, openly gay. We’re finally in the future, everyone! Or are we? The character being officially out is something we have been hoping a mainstream family project would actually do. Also,…

All eyes are on The Oscars

2 Minutes read

The Oscars are upon us, and this year in particular, all eyes are going to be on the nominees. We’re one year out from the phenomenon #OscarsSoWhite, which actually began two years ago by April Reign. The hashtag brought to light how lopsided the Academy nominating process has been, which resulted in showcasing primarily white…

The Hollow Crown: The Wars of the Roses Blerd Chat with Monique and Ramp Your Voice’s Vilissa Thompson

18 Minutes read

A couple of weeks ago, PBS aired The Hollow Crown: The Wars of the Roses, and while there were great moments in the miniseries, there were some not so great moments, chief of which being Benedict Cumberbatch’s Richard III. I recently held a Google Hangout chat with Ramp Your Voice! founder Vilissa Thompson about the miniseries. As…

Sherlock S4 recap: A cavalcade of WTF?

15 Minutes read

Sherlock Season 4 | “The Final Problem” | Aired Jan. 15, 2017 So…what was that?! Look, let me say upfront for the diehard fans that there were parts of “The Final Problem” that actually started tugging at my heartstrings and had me visibly scared and tense. The treatment of Eurus’ tests was over-the-top (more on that),…

Sherlock S4 recap: Sherlock and John make up over death

8 Minutes read

Sherlock Season 4 | “The Lying Detective” | Aired Jan. 8, 2017 Talk about an episode! I really liked this second episode of Sherlock Season 4, “The Lying Detective”. The pacing and the amount of story depth took me right back to earlier seasons, and for that I couldn’t be happier. Also great: The Dynamic Duo are back together…

Rogue One smacks of Star Wars‘ obsession with aggressive appropriation

13 Minutes read

As you might have read from my Rogue One review, I enjoyed it very much. But with the good comes the bad, and I had some gripes with it. One gripe I forgot to mention in my review was the uber-aggressive Arab world coding they were doing in it. It had gotten so aggressive on Jedha…

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