Search results for: black lives matter

#OscarsSoWhite Channels Frustration with Selma Snub, All White Nominee List

4 Minutes read

I honestly can’t say I’m surprised, given the talk/excuse about the rumored event of the Selma team not sending out screeners (which I don’t completely believe because something seems left out of the story), but I am a little sad that Selma‘s been snubbed at the Oscars.

A Tale of Two Tragedies: Charlie Hebdo and Baga, Nigeria

10 Minutes read

I am back from a small break due to travel! Unfortunately, I’m starting my return back to COLOR with awful news.

Hip Hop's Frustration with Iggy Azalea

9 Minutes read

It’s been a trying few days for TI’s protege, Iggy Azalea. However, it’s not like many people (myself included) have that much sympathy for her.  But before I get into any opinions, here’s what’s been going down in the hip hop world.

#illridewithyou Brings Australia Together, Despite Fake Story

4 Minutes read

With all of the hashtag activism going on with #BlackLivesMatter, I, of course had my eye on the latest hashtag created to combat xenophobia and racism; #illridewithyou.

Fantasy Casting: "Noah"

3 Minutes read

I’ve been on a tirade about Exodus: Gods and Kings, and if I’m being honest, I think I’ll always be upset about that movie. But what I’m not upset about is that the film brought in only $8.6 million its first day in the theaters. That’s exponentially less money than what the studio was expecting to make, particularly to…

"HTGAWM" S1 rewind: "Pilot"

11 Minutes read

How to Get Away with Murder is my first foray into the world of Shonda Rhimes, and I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised with what I saw. The episode had many great moments (Alfie Enoch aka Dean Thomas from Harry Potter! Upended sexual tropes! Viola Davis!) and the twist at the end…well,…

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