Search results for: get out

"Sleepy Hollow" Fans Express Katrina-Fueled Anger with #WitchesBetterThanKatrina

3 Minutes read

During the East Coast viewing of Sleepy Hollow, fans were getting angrier and angrier when it became apparent that Katrina, not Abbie, was going to be accompanying Ichabod on his case. WHUT? You can read what I thought about it here, but just to sum it up; I wasn’t kind about it. Neither were other fans, who…

MOC Monday: David Oyelowo

2 Minutes read

I think it’s only fitting that David Oyelowo get the coveted MOC Monday spot, since he did such a fantastic job as Martin Luther King Jr. in Selma. If you haven’t seen that film, then I suggest you rectify that and go see it pronto.

Keep Up with Monique's "black-ish" recaps on Entertainment Weekly!

1 Minute read

I’ve been neglecting to mention this a lot on this site, but in case you’re new, I recap black-ish weekly for Entertainment Weekly! Here’s a poignant part I had to say about last week’s episode, “Martin Luther sKiing Day”:

NBC's Slate of Diverse Shows Revealed During TCA Winter Previews

3 Minutes read

NBC has a lot of shows that will have everyone excited for many different reasons. Overall, the name of the game is diversity. 

"Downton Abbey" recap: Ep. #5.3

4 Minutes read

It would seem that the episodes this season are finally coalescing around (mostly) interesting plotlines. There are still some plotlines that don’t really gel because some writer machinations are exploiting them beyond their due date, but for the most part, there are some seriously entertaining things to be discussed.

"Selma": More Students to View Film for Free; "Selma" Crew Going Back to Selma, AL

10 Minutes read

There’s so much Selma news that’s been on my radar, but I haven’t had the time to post. So here goes.

"Sleepy Hollow": Making Sense of the TCA Comments

7 Minutes read

Getting on Twitter leads to me learning a lot about the world in entertainment (as well as real life, because goodness knows Twitter is much quicker than the news stations nowadays). So imagine my surprise when I found out that Sleepy Hollow, a show I’d been worried about for a while now, is really having the…

NBC Bringing Underground Railroad Miniseries to TV with EP Stevie Wonder

3 Minutes read

There’s been a little rumbling going ’round about BET’s upcoming event series, “The Book of Negroes,” which I’m really excited about, but that’s not the only slave-based miniseries coming to TV. The Hollywood Reporter is stating that NBC has announced they’re developing a miniseries about The Underground Railroad based on Forbidden Fruit: Love Stories From the…

Care2 Petition Takes On Scarlett Johansson in "Ghost in the Shell"

2 Minutes read

Remember when the news about Scarlett Johansson playing playing Major Mokoto Kusanagi in the live-action Ghost in the Shell film was released? Remember how it was apparent that people would start petitioning and venting in outrage? Well, here’s the petition.

Rev. Al Sharpton and Spike Lee Criticize Lack of Oscar Nomination Diversity

2 Minutes read

There’s still fallout from the lack of minorities nominated for Oscar nominations. While there was a hashtag yesterday, there’s more concrete outrage from two of Hollywood’s biggest criticizers, Spike Lee and Rev. Al Sharpton. Both men gave statements on the issue, and both said their sentiments in their own way.

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