Search results for: get out

"HTGAWM" recap: "The Night Lila Died"

3 Minutes read

I literally don’t know what we’re supposed to make of How to Get Away with Murder‘s season finale, except for these facts:

"Empire" recap: "The Lyon's Roar"

6 Minutes read

Lucious Lyon is a big hypocrite. I think what I’m writing has been painfully obvious from the beginning of Empire, but this episode, “The Lyon’s Roar,” clearly shows in stark detail how much of a hypocrite Lucious is. He tells Jamal to sing his truth, and then gets mad when that truth isn’t what he wants…

"Fresh Off the Boat" recap: "Fajita Man"

7 Minutes read

This week on Fresh Off the Boat, we revisit the ’90s trend of fajitas! Personally, I don’t remember this trend, but then again, I didn’t go to a lot of restaurants as a kid—we didn’t eat out a lot. So if you were a person who frequented Chili’s or TGI Fridays, then maybe you remember when…

Exclusive Interview: Michael Nguyen (Creator/Writer/Director, "Munkey in The City")

10 Minutes read

If you’re looking for a new webseries to get addicted to, keep an eye on Munkey in The City. The upcoming webseries is written by Michael Nguyen and stars Kenny Leu as Munkey, a guy trying to make it as a writer while figuring out what it is he really wants out of life. I was…

Analyzing the Costumes of "Empire": Porsha, Michael, Camilla, and Tiana

3 Minutes read

In January, I wrote my first post analyzing the costumes on Empire. I’ve come back to this series to analyze the costumes of Porsha, Michael, Camilla and Tiana. Let’s get to it.

"Sleepy Hollow" recap: "Tempus Fugit"

9 Minutes read

Grace Dixon, in her infinite wisdom, said, “Sometimes, all it takes is to put pen to paper to make a difference.” I feel like whoever wrote this line wrote it with their tongue in their cheek. There have been all sorts of things happening this season of Sleepy Hollow because someone put their pen to…

"Downton Abbey" recap: Ep. #5.8

5 Minutes read

Let’s thank goodness that we’re almost done with this season of Downton Abbey, because I’d seriously start hate-watching in earnest otherwise.

The Oscars: Patricia Arquette and Sean Penn Become Twitter Fodder

11 Minutes read

Patricia Arquette and Sean Penn are the latest celebrities to go through the meat grinder that is Twitter. They’ve landed themselves there after making some unfortunate comments that really didn’t need to be made.

Writing Contributors

3 Minutes read

Do you like what you read on COLOR and want to support the site with your writing? First, thanks for thinking so highly of the site, and second, you can contribute! I must say upfront that writing guest posts for COLOR is an unpaid position. At this point, I can’t pay contributors, even though I’d…

ICYMI: This Week in Blogs

3 Minutes read

Hopefully, I can keep this type of post up every week, but there’s a lot of stuff I read on a weekly basis, but I don’t have enough time to cover them (or, believe it or not, I feel a little unqualified to talk about). So, without further ado, here’s what went down this week:

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