Search results for: black lives matter

Disabled People of Color Highlighted in #GetWokeADA26 Survey

4 Minutes read

The creators of Ramp Your Voice! and the Disability Visibility Project, Vilissa Thompson, LMSW and Alice Wong respectively, have collaborated to create #GetWokeADA26. The survey, created to celebrate the 26th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, highlighted the voices of disabled people of color to examine how the Americans with Disabilities Act has affected…

DC vs. Marvel: Which Movie Franchise Represents Its Audience More?

10 Minutes read

With the culmination of the San Diego Comic-Con, we’ve been getting a lot of DC Comics movie franchise news. Some of which includes the new footage of the Justice League movie, featuring Batman (Ben Affleck), Aquaman (Jason Momoa), the Flash (Ezra Miller), Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), Cyborg (Ray Fisher) and Superman (Henry Cavill). With the introduction of DC’s…

Exclusive Interview: #DisabilityTooWhite creator Vilissa Thompson

9 Minutes read

The hashtag #DisabilityTooWhite went viral recently, and with good reason; even though coverage of issues facing the disabled might be out there, the coverage is too frequently focused solely on how disability issues affect white Americans, not all Americans. I was happy to interview the creator of #DisabilityTooWhite and founder of the site Ramp Your…

Recapping #WhitewashedOUT and the excitement for “Crazy, Rich Asians”

10 Minutes read

Edited to reflect the full team behind #whitewashedOUT JUST ADD COLOR has been doing some major coverage about the whitewashing of Ghost in the Shell and Doctor Strange, and if you read my virtual roundtable with The Nerds of Color’s Keith Chow and Afronerd and Renegade Nerd’s Claire Lanay, you might have seen some mention of…

#OscarsSoWhite: More Discussion, New Open Letters Published

8 Minutes read

TONS of Oscar news, I tell ya! Tons of it! The battle for diversity in the Oscar nominations has gotten bigger than anyone thought it would get (including me, which might surprise you—I vacillate between cynicism and optimism) . Here’s what’s been happening so far. •Will Smith will not attend the Oscars after all. You can read…

Changes Coming to COLOR

8 Minutes read

As you might have noticed, COLOR’s been a bit stagnant as of late. There’s a reason for that. There are some changes coming.

“Sleepy Hollow”: Concerning Abbie’s Validity

23 Minutes read

In my last Sleepy Hollow recap, I wrote this small passage: [W]hat I do know is that the whole situation and my look at the Twitterings online about Betsy Ross (whom I’m getting to) made me think about why we want Abbie to get with Ichabod in the first place. I mean, I get the…

Why Your Twitter Feed is Full of Gigi, Taylor, Amy & Jennifer

12 Minutes read

If there’s one thing that annoys me…well, there are a lot of things that annoy me, but if there’s one thing that annoys me the most about media coverage as shown on Twitter, it’s the media’s insistence that we fall over ourselves for the likes of Gigi Hadid, Taylor Swift, Amy Schumer, and Jennifer Lawrence. I’m officially…

"Best American Poetry": Michael Derrick Hudson's Written Yellowface and Sherman Alexie's Confounding Explanation

12 Minutes read

Have you heard about the craziness involving prominent writer Sherman Alexie, his editorship of Best American Poetry and the poet Yi-Fen Chou? If not, then buckle up, because this is going to be a bumpy ride. 

Glenn Beck Leads Huge Crowds in "Never Again is Now" March in Birmingham, AL

4 Minutes read

Seeing how I live in Birmingham, AL, I thought I knew what was happening on a day-to-day basis here. But apparently, an approximately 20.000-30,000 member march downtown can go by me, and most of the major national networks, unnoticed. 

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