Search results for: get out

Exclusive Interview: Daniel José Older (Author, "Bone Street Rumba" Series)

12 Minutes read

Daniel José Older is an author you need to know if you’re a lover of sci-fi and fantasy novels. Older is the author of the Bone Street Rumba, series; the first part, Half-Resurrection Blues is already available for purchase. Also exciting is the news that hit earlier this year; Anika Noni Rose has optioned the TV and film rights to Half-Resurrection Blues,…

Racially Insensitive Casting: "Cleopatra" Through the Years

2 Minutes read

Cleopatra is, historically, an African queen. An Egyptian queen, to be exact, with mixed African and Greek heritage. However, her Greek heritage is one of the only times a large swath of the white Western world will use the one-drop rule in reverse. Usually, if a person has one drop of non-white heritage, they’re instantly not white. But instead…

Queer Coded: Scar ("The Lion King")

4 Minutes read

I’m sure there’s going to be someone out there that’s going to say, “What, Monique? This is a lion! Scar doesn’t count!” Yeah, he’s a lion, invisible person who doubts my logic. But that doesn’t mean Disney, or any other studio, for that matter, won’t stoop to putting some Hollywood queer coding on a non-human…

#SayHerName Gives Voice to Black Women Victimized by Police

6 Minutes read

I’ve covered police brutality on this site before, but usually, it’s in the form of black men being victims of the police. This time, I’m focusing on black women who have been victims of police brutality.

Battle of Diverse Pilots: How Diverse are Fox's Pilots?

5 Minutes read

Before I get into the grading process for Fox, let me make a quick addendum to this series. I realize after the fact that several of these pilots I’ve included in my grading have now been passed over. So I’ll need to go back and revise my grades to see how the changes affect things….

WOC Wednesday: Yara Shahidi

2 Minutes read

Yara Shahidi is this week’s WOC Wednesday honoree! WHOO!

Trailers, Promos and Posters: A Backlog of TV Trailers, Movie Photos and More

3 Minutes read

TONS OF NEWS to discuss since I was absent last week. Mainly, we’ve got tons of TV trailers from AMC, NBC, FOX, ABC, and CBS to take a look at. So before I get to any posters and whathaveyou, let’s get these trailers out of the way.  (Note, all except the AMC trailer are in…

Disney's Princess Problem: Why "Princess of North Sudan" Highlights Need for Disney's Princess Rehaul

9 Minutes read

Even though there are critiques about Lupita Nyong’o being a CG character in Star Wars Episode VI: The Force Awakens and people are annoyed with Avengers: Age of Ultron, Disney has, for the most part, been pleasing many fans with their Marvel and Lucasfilm acquisitions, along with their other Disney properties. But Disney has finally hit a wall with…

The Eulogy for Bill Cosby's Career

5 Minutes read

This has been a post that has been months in the making, mostly because I had to go through a period of reflection and, in a way, mourning, for the entity that is (or was) Bill Cosby’s Career.

MOC Monday: Jason Momoa

2 Minutes read

Game of Thrones is still making people highly uncomfortable and, to be frank, angry. It’s gotten so bad that now, what with the amount of “rape as character development” the show tends to engage in, with Sansa Stark being the latest victim, The Mary Sue has decided to withdraw their support of the show.  I have never…

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