Search results for: get out

What's Happening: #McKinney Edition

4 Minutes read

Another day, another assault against blackness. 

MOC Monday: Chiwetel Ejiofor

2 Minutes read

Chiwetel Ejiofor needs to be honored for his vast acting skills, from Kinky Boots to 12 Years A Slave, as well as his social consciousness and good-looking-ness (I know that’s not a word). But I have to say that this MOC Monday was spawned from my own embarrassment, which you can follow on Twitter. To keep it short,…

ICYMI: This Week in Blogs

2 Minutes read

Here are some of the op-eds and interviews I read this week!

Exclusive Interview: Brie Eley ("Blind Date Rules")

7 Minutes read

Brie Eley is hoping to shake things up in Hollywood with the rom-com short Blind Date Rules. The film’s trailer has already been a part of COLOR’s semi-weekly trailers/posters/promos round-up, and I’m happy to say that I’m back with the first of a round of interviews from the folks behind the short film. In this interview,…

Queer Coded: Captain America and the Falcon

10 Minutes read

All right, True Believers! Some of you may vehemently disagree with this…and a lot of you won’t, especially if you did some of the fandom digging I’ve done, and ESPECIALLY especially if you’ve watched Captain America 2: The Winter Soldier. If you’ve seen that film and you came away with the thought, “Are Cap and Falcon…

"Fake Off" Clip Features Chess and Revelations

2 Minutes read

There’s more new Fake Off this week!

"Aloha": People Sound Off on Emma Stone's Character, Cameron Crowe Apologizes

4 Minutes read

Since the release and subsequent failure of Aloha, many people have been making known their grievances with the film, as well as some of the discussion itself. 

"Sleepy Hollow": More On What to Expect in Season 3

5 Minutes read

This news was issued a while ago, May 21, to be exact, but I’m just now getting around to it. Forgive me, but stuff was poppin’ for a time. Now that I’m back on my Sleepy Hollow grind, let’s take a look at what new things might be on the way for Abbie and Ichabod…

Catilyn Jenner's Vanity Fair Cover Launches Social Media Discussion of Transgender Issues

5 Minutes read

As I wrote yesterday, Caitlyn Jenner’s Vanity Fair cover took social media by storm and it’s shockwaves are still being felt. But, while there is much reason to celebrate, there’s also a fair amount of discussion that’s now taking place, a lot of which is necessary to pause, read, and take in.

Casting News: Is Tyler James Williams Working with Marvel After All? And More

3 Minutes read

Okay, casting and acquisition news! Let’s get to it.

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