Search results for: get out

Trailers, Promos and Posters: "Star Wars," "The Last Witch Hunter," "Concussion" + More

2 Minutes read

I’ve got some trailers, posters and promos for you guys! Some of this is from earlier this month, so forgive me for being behind on some of these things. 

Glenn Beck Leads Huge Crowds in "Never Again is Now" March in Birmingham, AL

4 Minutes read

Seeing how I live in Birmingham, AL, I thought I knew what was happening on a day-to-day basis here. But apparently, an approximately 20.000-30,000 member march downtown can go by me, and most of the major national networks, unnoticed. 

MOC Monday: The Navajo Code Talkers

3 Minutes read

A couple of weeks ago, it was Navajo Code Talker Day, and being someone who likes giving honor to those before me (and because I didn’t know there was a day dedicated to the Navajo Code-Talkers), I thought I’d make today’s MOC Monday about them. 

WOC Wednesday: Amelia Boynton Richardson

3 Minutes read

Civil rights pioneer Amelia Boynton Richardson has died at the age of 104. While her passing is very sad, it’s worth it to us to acknowledge her long life and the change she was able to bring to the country by inviting Martin Luther King Jr. to Selma, AL. 

Aaliyah's Anniversary: My Memories of the R&B Singer

2 Minutes read

Today, Aug. 25, is the anniversary of the death of R&B singer Aaliyah. Twitter was alight with fans remembrances and well-wishes, and I think I should do the same.

"Tyrant" Season Two Quick Thoughts: Jamal's Got to Die!

3 Minutes read

I know they are fictional characters, but I hate saying that a character needs to die because it feels like saying a person needs to die. No one wants (or should want)  to say that to someone. BUT, Jamal has now signed his own death warrant and now needs to die. 

Casting News: "Fantastic Beasts," "Scooby Doo," Josephine Baker + More

7 Minutes read

I’ve had a ton of movie casting news that flooded my inbox and Twitter feed last week, and I am only just now able to get to everything. So let’s get into everything. 

MOC Monday: Duke Kahanamoku

2 Minutes read

I’m not a surfing expert, so unfortunately, I am coming to my knowledge of Duke Kahanamoku very, very late. But thanks to Google for even alerting me to Kahanamoku and his contribution to the world of sport. (Here’s a picture of the Google Doodle in case you happen to miss it today.)

Queer Coded: Amun (Spike's "Tut")

3 Minutes read

It’s been a few weeks out since Tut aired on Spike, and, to reiterate, I loved it. But I did notice one element of one of the characters that could be considered very loose queer coding, if you chose to see it that way. All this posturing is to say that the decision to show the evil…

WOC Wednesday: Janelle Monae

2 Minutes read

Janelle Monáe is SO AWESOME! She’s certainly at the top of my “Women I’d love to Befriend” list. 

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