Search results for: downton abbey

Kemal Pamuk: A “Downton Abbey” autopsy of the series’ first needless casualty

9 Minutes read

Apparently, there’s a special Downton Abbey surprise coming. According to Facebook: According to Digital Spy, it could be the long-awaited, long-rumored Downton Abbey movie. Fans of the show, which ended in 2015, will probably thrilled. If you’ve followed me for a long time, then you’ll know that I was once a fan (and eventual hate-watcher) of Downton Abbey, so…

"Downton Abbey" recap: The Christmas Special

6 Minutes read

“I thought you’d never ask.” This is the moment when Downton Abbey jumped the shark.

"Downton Abbey" recap: Ep. #5.8

5 Minutes read

Let’s thank goodness that we’re almost done with this season of Downton Abbey, because I’d seriously start hate-watching in earnest otherwise.

"Downton Abbey" recap: Ep. #5.7

6 Minutes read

AAARRRRRRGHHH!!!!!! End of recap.

"Downton Abbey" recap: Ep. #5.6

6 Minutes read

It looks like I’m back to really hating Mary, but other than Mary’s story spinning its wheels—because just how uninteresting is it seeing a woman get her way with men all the time while railroading her unfortunate sister and Lady Fox?—some other stories are coming along rather nicely (if we’re grading on a curve).

"Downton Abbey" recap: Ep. #5.5

4 Minutes read


"Downton Abbey" recap: Ep. #5.4

6 Minutes read

Almost 24 hours after this week’s Downton Abbey has aired, I’ve been doing some thinking amid my rapid emailing and business-handling. Even though this season is shaping up to be one of the better seasons, there are still a few things that are not shaping up as well as it could. I’ll just down the bulleted…

"Downton Abbey" recap: Ep. #5.3

4 Minutes read

It would seem that the episodes this season are finally coalescing around (mostly) interesting plotlines. There are still some plotlines that don’t really gel because some writer machinations are exploiting them beyond their due date, but for the most part, there are some seriously entertaining things to be discussed.

"Downton Abbey" recap: Ep. #5.2

5 Minutes read

So, it’s been three or four days since Downton Abbey‘s latest episode aired and, honestly, it only started getting good towards the last 10 minutes of the show. If the entire season had started with those 10 minutes, we might be better off, storywise.

"Downton Abbey" recap: Episode #5.1

6 Minutes read

We’re back in the world of Downton Abbey! Yay and ugh. If you’ve read the S1-S5 primer, you’ve read all of my reasons why I feel this way.This episode was a good start to the new season, though, but I’m sure things are going to go downhill very fast. Anyways, let’s get into it, in bulleted…

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