Search results for: disability

CROSS-POST: “Finding Dory,” Disability Culture, and Collective Access

12 Minutes read

Post provided by Alice Wong of the Disability Visibility Project On June 25th, I saw Finding Dory after reading many positive reviews and recommendations from my disabled friends. I wasn’t disappointed. There was so much to unpack and process when I got home that I decided to write this review/essay. Finding Dory is film depicts…

Exclusive Interview: #DisabilityTooWhite creator Vilissa Thompson

9 Minutes read

The hashtag #DisabilityTooWhite went viral recently, and with good reason; even though coverage of issues facing the disabled might be out there, the coverage is too frequently focused solely on how disability issues affect white Americans, not all Americans. I was happy to interview the creator of #DisabilityTooWhite and founder of the site Ramp Your…

Exclusive Interview: Alice Wong (the Disability Visibility Project)

8 Minutes read

The Disability Visibility Project (DVP) is a site everyone working towards equal representation needs to visit. Too often, those of us in the online field of social justice journalism/opinion-making stay within the racial and sexuality boundaries and forget that there is yet another group we need to reach out to; those with disabilities. People with disabilities…

Disability in “Star Wars”: Comparing Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker & Finn

9 Minutes read

Star Wars is, of course, highly covetable science fiction. We’ve got “tales of daring-do” (as Stan Lee would say), awesome anti-heroes, a young person on a hero’s journey, and one of the biggest villains of all time, Darth Vader. But one constant that might escape the ableist point of view is that all of the Star…

#DifferenceMakers: The Disability Visibility Project

4 Minutes read

The fight for racial and cultural diversity is something that’s been heavily publicized, but other diversity fights, such as the struggle to showcase the stories and issues of people with disabilities, is constantly unfairly overshadowed. There are a lot of biases in America when it comes to disability and the perception of “usefulness.” NPR’s Laurie…

#YourBigBreak: Help The Huffington Post Highlight Disability Issues for Election 2016 Video

1 Minute read

The Huffington Post is looking for YOU to help them with their Election 2016 coverage! The news service and Disability Visibility Project’s #CriptheVote are collaborating to bring the everyday issues of the disabled to the forefront of this election cycle. “The Huffington Post is seeking passionate and opinionated people with disabilities to speak about issues…

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