Search results for: Sleepy Hollow

Season 2 of “The Exorcist” will bring “Sleepy Hollow” vibes with John Cho’s return to FOX

3 Minutes read

Is it just me, or is this second season of The Exorcist trying to become the second coming of Sleepy Hollow? I say that because it’s been a while since I’ve seen a fantasy/sci-fi show on FOX that was this diverse. Usually, I shy away from watching shows about the devil (despite watching Sleepy Hollow,…

“Sleepy Hollow” Post-Mortem: The Death of Abbie and the Painful Erasure of Black Women

19 Minutes read

The formulation of this post started at some point between this tweet: Me an hour and a half after #SleepyHollow #SleepyHolla — Monique Jones (@moniqueblognet) April 9, 2016 And this tweet: What’s amazing is that everyone, fans and critics, feel disappointed & angered beyond belief. We’re all grieving. #SleepyHollow #SleepyHolla — Monique Jones (@moniqueblognet)…

Monique’s “Sleepy Hollow” Recaps Now Exclusively at Black Girl Nerds

3 Minutes read

If you remember a few months ago, I talked about some remodeling I was doing to the site. You can read about it at length here, but one of the changes was no more focus on recaps. The only recap I wrote I’d continue was Sleepy Hollow, and that those recaps would be exclusively for the…

“Sleepy Hollow” Midseason Recap/Analysis: Abbie’s Sacrifice

7 Minutes read

Sleepy Hollow‘s midseason finale, “Novus Ordo Seclorum,” has left many people in shambles. To be frank, the double billing of Sleepy Hollow and How to Get Away with Murder‘s mideseason finales have left many people in shambles twice over. But let’s talk about what sent people over the edge during “Novus Ordo Seclorum”—Abbie’s sacrifice. 

“Sleepy Hollow” Recap: One Shard To Rule Them All

5 Minutes read

What a fascinating episode of Sleepy Hollow, right? The episode, “The Art of War,” could have also been called, “Talk to Her,” since that was the subtext of the night. 

“Sleepy Hollow” Recap: The Red Lady and Grace Dixon!

8 Minutes read

Sleepy Hollow gave me tons of good vibes with the latest episode, “This Red Lady of Caribee.” It was a black woman extravaganza—Abbie kicking butt, Jenny tag-teaming with Joe, and a powerful black villain who was part fashionista woman, part bug. This episode was also written by a black woman, Shernold Edwards (kudos to her)….

“Sleepy Hollow” recap: The Crossover and an Evil Zoe Theory

9 Minutes read

This Sleepy Hollow episode, “Dead Men Tell No Tales,” was Part 2 of a Bones-Sleepy Hollow crossover, and frankly, the second half of the crossover, the actually Sleepy Hollow episode, was better to me than the Bones portion. First of all, I’ve never been a fan of Bones, and after watching this crossover, my feelings on the show have been…

“Sleepy Hollow”: Concerning Abbie’s Validity

23 Minutes read

In my last Sleepy Hollow recap, I wrote this small passage: [W]hat I do know is that the whole situation and my look at the Twitterings online about Betsy Ross (whom I’m getting to) made me think about why we want Abbie to get with Ichabod in the first place. I mean, I get the…

“Sleepy Hollow” recap: The Scariest Tooth Fairy Ever

9 Minutes read

Edited to properly reflect Joe Corbin’s career Sleepy Hollow’s latest episode, “The Sisters Mills,” was the best one of the season so far. It really captured the Season One feel of drama, action, and genuine horror that has eluded the show in recent times. But, at least for this episode, the horror was back! Whoever…

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