Jackie Chan in “The Foreigner.” Photo credit: Christopher Raphael/Courtesy of STXfilms

Directed by: Martin Campbell

Written by: David Marconi, Stephen Leather (original novel)

Starring: Jackie Chan, Pierce Brosnan, Katie Leung, Orla Brady, Rufus Jones, John Cronin, Aaron Monaghan, Niall McNamee, Charlie Murphy, Lia Williams, Michael McElhatton, David Pearse

Julian’s review:

Spoilers Ahead

Hello again! I am back writing movie reviews and staying clean and healthy now that the world is dealing with COVID-19, which has altered a lot of things on everybody’s lives socially. My school life has turned into Zoom conferences, and it really has affected me in terms of doing schoolwork.

Anyway, I am hoping everyone out in the world is doing okay with their family members and loved ones and follow the rules to stay indoors, if you are out in public, please remain 6-feet away from others when you are grocery stores, clothing stores, appliance stores, anywhere, please follow the law until the vaccine can be administered to everyone. Also, please wear your mask to further prevent touching your mouth. If you are coming home from public, please wash your hands with soap–it only takes 30 seconds to wash off any germs that may have the virus. With that being said, let’s get on with the review.

The Foreigner stars everyone’s favorite action star Jackie Chan as Quan Ngoc Minh, a man who has residual trauma from the loss of his family. He tries to be happy as a British citizen in London as s restaurant owner with his remaining family member, his daughter, but then tragedy strikes again when a bomb kills many people, including his daughter.

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Jackie Chan in "The Foreigner"
Jackie Chan in “The Foreigner.” Photo credit: Christopher Raphael/Courtesy of STXfilms

On the other end of the spectrum, Liam Hennessey, played by former “James Bond” Pierce Bronson, was once part of the Irish Republican Army, aka the IRA, and is now a politician who trying to investigate a rogue IRA cell who is responsible for multiple bombings that were happening in London. Hennessey becomes tied in a web of political conspiracy, all the while Quan is revealed to be a former special ops soldier from the Vietnam War who is trying to outwit the IRA agents without killing them—all he wants is the names and location of the people who murdered his daughter.

I liked this movie a lot because Chan and Brosnan both do a great job playing their characters. Quan is a very tragic character in relation to his backstory and believe me, the backstory will let you know why he is so depressed and driven to kill the people who are responsible for his daughter’s death. His character is a very polite man, just do not screw his life up, or else he will pull a Liam Neeson. For Chan, who was 62 years old at the time when this movie came out in 2017, the action scenes are a tour-de-force of his athletic ability. Pierce Bronson expertly portrayed the sliminess and complexity of his character–just imagine if his version of James Bond had retired somehow became a grimy, morality-skewed politician.

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Pierce Brosnan in "The Foreigner"
Pierce Brosnan in “The Foreigner”. Photo credit: Christopher Raphael/Courtesy of STXfilms

This movie is a mix of action and political thriller all in one, but beware of the derogatory term for Chinese people used in the film (also the same word used in the title of the book this movie is based on, written by Stephen Leather in 1992). If you are Chinese-American or a Chinese citizen watching this movie, be careful of that word.

The action, drama and focus on racism-fueled politics makes the movie great. Thankfully, you won’t have to look far to watch it because it is on Netflix and Amazon Prime as well as on traditional Blu-Ray and DVD.

Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan in "The Foreigner"
Jackie Chan and Pierce Brosnan in “The Foreigner.” Photo credit: Christopher Raphael/Courtesy of STXfilms

Rating Score: 8.5/10

*If you want to do your part to help the worldwide effort to stop COVID-19, go to https://www.salvationarmyusa.org/usn/ and donate towards the Salvation Army in their relief efforts. As always, wash your hands, observe social distancing practices, stay indoors, stay healthy, and stay safe.

Julian Jones is a sociology student at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. When he’s not studying or watching films, he’s practicing for his next performance with the UAB Chamber Singers. Let him know what you thought of his review by leaving him a comment below!