Abbie Samuel (L) and Lauren Douglin in Imperfect. (Photo credit: Kashif Boothe Entertainment)

New webseries alert! Imperfect, a show from the UK, is one I suggest you check out if you’re a fan of Living Single and Sex and the City.

The show, created by Kashif Boothe as a spin-off from his award-winning series Nate & Jamie, follows friends Michelle (Lauren Douglin) and Sam (Abbie Samuel) as they traverse the ups and downs of their love lives (with some of their troubles being of their own making). Here’s the official rundown:

Imperfect follows Michelle (Lauren Douglin) after her public split with her ex boyfriend, she’s not ready to start dating but runs into a old flame (James Merrill) and is open to love again but won’t let her wall down which effects her potential new relationship. Sam (Abbie Samuel) is looking for the perfect guy and isn’t ready to compromise what she thinks is right for her, until she meets Jason (Abayomi Oniyidie) an average guy who challenges her perspective on the what she thought her ideal guy was. But are they right for each other?

Rounding out the cast, Abayomi Oniyidie, Ione Anthony, Hayley Konadu, Morgan Archer.

I’ve seen the first season courtesy of Boothe, and what I loved about the show is how real and improv-like many of the scenes are, which make it seem like you’re a fly on the wall as the ladies and gents try (and sometimes flounder) at love. As a whole, the show is charming, especially when you hang out with Sam and Michelle’s friends as they sip wine and talk about their life struggles. It’s comforting and, if you’re like me and grew up thinking the ladies from Living Single could be your best friends, you’ll get the same feeling when watching Imperfect. You do immediately get engrossed at the drama–at times, I was literally saying out loud, “OH NO! WHY ARE YOU DOING THAT! SELF SABOTAGE!” at one of the character’s actions in her burgeoning relationship. If you’re shielding your eyes from seeing a character’s bad idea blow up in their face, then you know the writing is good.

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Imperfect premieres on YouTube March 29; I suggest you give it a watch.

More on Kashif Boothe Entertainment:

Kashif Boothe Entertainment is an award winning independent production company, which specialises in producing documentaries, web series’ and short films. From summer 2015 to winter 2016 released a 3 part documentary series on relationships which was selected for the 2016 Ozark Shorts Film Festival and was selected as the editors top pick on w/c March 7th 2016. In Spring 2016 KBE released the documentary ‘Being Light Skinned’, it was selected into the 23rd Annual African American Film Marketplace and S.E Manly Short Film Festival Showcase in Hollywood, California, was screened at the event forum ‘Afrocentrikal’ and featured on various online magazines. In September 2016 KBE released the doc series ‘What Is Good Hair?’ and was screened at the Voices of Colour event in November 2016. November 2016 also saw the release of the comedy web series Nate & Jamie which won Favourite Web Series Ensemble at the 2018 Screen Nation Digital is Media Awards. In spring 2017 KBE released three short documentaries covering cultural appropriation, the stereotype of the angry black woman and on the controversial article by Satoshi Kanazawa that black women are physically the least attractive which was selected into the 24th Annual African American Film Marketplace and S.E Manly Short Film Festival Showcase in Hollywood, California.

In March 2018 KBE released the drama web series ‘Imperfect’, which is the spinoff to the web series Nate & Jamie. KBE also premiered the talk show they are exec producing entitled ‘Talk That Matters’ created by Proph Music and the podcast Dish.

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