(Sonequa Martin-Green as Michael Burnham. Photo credit: Ben Mark Holzberg/CBS)

Each week, Monique will sound off on the current episode of Star Trek: Discovery. For more, read Monique’s Star Trek: Discovery recaps at SlashFilm. These mini-rants will contain SPOILERS–You’re warned. 

With the latest Star Trek: Discovery episode, I literally can’t see where the storyline is going. That, my friends, is both exciting and terrifying.

I’ll be honest and say I’m a little bit of a control freak. I do like seeing where a show is going where I’m watching it, which might not seem entertaining, but for me, it is. That doesn’t mean I don’t like being led around by writers with a blindfold sometimes. But with this latest episode, “What’s Past is Prologue,” I feel like I’m about to be pushed off a cliff, and only the writers know if my backpack has a parachute.

The standoff that’s being set up for the next episode–the Discovery crew going back into the fray after the Klingons have taken over much of Federation space–is one I didn’t see coming, and it’s difficult to know exactly how the Discovery are going to help the Federation take back command of the alliance of planets. Much of me writing this post, actually, is me sitting thinking about what predictions I could make–I can’t think of any, which is rare for me.

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So I’ll just say this: Wherever we go, I hope we can see more of Captain Saru leading his team. I haven’t seen a more competent captain than Georgiou, and for me, Georgiou stands toe-to-toe with Picard. Here’s what I wrote about Saru in this week’s recap for Slashfilm:

Saru studied under Georgiou longer than Michael and while Michael quickly outpaced him in terms of daringness, Saru mastered Georgiou’s ability to responsibly wield power for good and not for gain. Do I think Michael could make a great captain? Sure. Do I think now’s her time? No. That might surprise some of you out there who have read my reviews over these past few months. As much as I love Michael, she’s just too impulsive. That impulsivity showed once again when she made one of the most careless decisions someone with Vulcan training could have made: knowingly alter the timeline by bringing back Mirror Georgiou.

But back to Saru. Saru is an officer who never acts before he thinks, unlike Michael. His ability to make calculated decisions – even calculated risks – gives him the edge. He also knows the power of teamwork and inspiration and how make both a vital part of his command. It was this episode that finally offered the cerebral think-tank atmosphere I’ve loved about other Star Trek series. It also offered an inspirational pep talk that only a true captain can make –  it feels like it’s been so long since I’ve heard a Star Trek captain rally their crew the way Saru rallied his. These attributes make him worthy to carry on Georgiou’s legacy. I think she’d approve.

This character arc is, of course, thanks to awesome writing, but it’s also thanks to Doug Jones’ tremendous acting. I feel like this role might be the best showcase of Jones’ acting skills and truly marries his talent with his physicality.

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What did you think of this season? Give your opinions below!

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