Jordan Calloway has had a rough time, what with the portrayal of Chuck Clayton he was tasked with while on CW’s Riverdale. Calloway will hopefully fare better on the second season of Hulu’s horror show Freakish.

In the second season of the show, the students of Kent High School are trapped inside by a deadly explosion and find their relationships tested when a new crop of survivors show up. Relationships and voyages outside of the school’s confines will be a matter of life and death. Calloway will play Zane Hiatt, a part-time college student and security guard of a company local to the show’s universe, Keller Chemical. Hiatt becomes the savior of a group of survivors.

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(Ironically, Keller is the last name of Kevin Keller. The Archie Comics connection lives on, after all).

Read more at Shadow and Act.