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MOC Monday: John Boyega and Michael B. Jordan

Why am I featuring these two today? Because they’re both in some big movies!

As you know, Michael B. Jordan is playing Johnny Storm in Fantastic Four and John Boyega is playing Finn, a stormtrooper(?) in the new Star Wars film, Star Wars: The Force Awakens.  Let me quit writing and just show you the trailers.

I have to say that after seeing both trailers, I’m excited for both films and to see these two actors take their roles and run with them. I’ve never been a fan of either franchise, but now, after seeing these trailers, I’m pumped and am itching to get to the theaters to see them and become a new fan of both.

Have you seen the trailers yet? What do you love about Boyega and Jordan taking on the nerdopshere? Give your opinions in the comments section below!

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