I’ve got some blog articles to share. Take a look and see what you think.Â
Buzzfeed interviews Days of Our Lives star Christopher Sean about groundbreaking role: It so happened that I, a non-soap opera watcher, had Days of Our Lives on the TV and caught the moment that everyone’s been talking about; when baseball player Paul Narita came out to his Japanese mother and grandfather…speaking Japanese! This happened on American television! I was impressed. And I was also happy, since his family embraced him and his sexuality. Buzzfeed’s Ira Madison III happened to catch up with the actor, Christopher Sean about the role and the impact it has on the gay community and how America views Asian men.
An untold story from the Selma march: The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund has a story detailing one of the marchers of the original Selma-to-Montgomery march. Vincent Wu, who was jailed for fighting for civil rights and marched with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., celebrated his birthday by going back to Selma for the march’s recent anniversary. Emil Guillermo interviewed him to learn more about his story.Â
“Misognyasian” treatment in Silicon Valley: Ellen Pao’s case against her former Silicon Valley employers is the tip of the iceberg in a long string of cases Asian women have filed against companies citing gender discrimination. Jenn from Reappropriate talks more about this issue. There’s also a conversation on the use of the term “Misognyasian” and if it infringes on the term “Misognynoir,” which focuses on black women’s experiences with gender and sexual discrimination. If my opinion means anything, I don’t really mind the use of the word. But some might also call me a “moderate” politically and socially in some matters, so there’s that.
Opinions on police cameras, cycles of mistrust, and Walter Scott’s murder: As you know, Walter Scott was killed by North Charleston police officer Michael T. Slager. It’s tremendously sad, to say the absolute least. The murder of black men, women, and children has been going on forever, but it’s only recently become a big deal now that there’s social media, a 24-hour news cycle, and the advent of cameras on cell phones. Even I, an admittedly sheltered black person, didn’t know just how dire the stakes are until a few years ago, even though I knew about the difference of treatment black people face at the hands of cops. There’s a lot I could discuss here, but Charles M. Blow’s New York Times opinion piece pretty much sums up a lot of my feelings.Â
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