Nicole Beharie is one of my favorite people ever! I also like that she recognizes that she is one of the actresses of color making great strides for other actresses of color in the realm of sci-fi/fantasy work.


To quote her:

This is a huge year for African Americans in TV and film. What are your thoughts on this barrier being broken down?

I think it’s fantastic. I feel lucky to be around this time where people are opening up to having more diversity in their homes and being interested in these stories. The one thing I really love about our show is that it’s one of the most diverse shows in television, not even just ethnically but gender-wise. We don’t even really talk about it or make it an issue; there are little things here and there, like in the pilot they brought up slavery, but it doesn’t become an issue and we just hope that the audience gets to see, instead of colors, the history and people and their experiences. That’s all I’ve ever wanted to do as an artist and an actor and to be able to have that is the most humbling and fulfilling gift, to truly not be seen as a color and a demographic.

–Beharie to Hypable

Had you always wanted to play a kick-ass action heroine?

Fred, I honestly never imagined I would actually get to do this. No, like seriously. I never imagined as a black, African-American 20-something, I would be able to do this. You just don’t see it. It’s just not a reality. When they called me in, I read it and I was like, “Okay, cool, this is great.” I never saw myself as someone who would be able to tote a gun and be also in a fantasy piece, but I welcome it with open arms because I grew up on comic books and action films. Those are the things I kind of thrive on, other than the random French Film. I love that.

–Beharie to Crave Online

I can’t wait to see her this month on Sleepy Hollow! How much do you love Beharie and her work on the show? Talk about it in the comments section!

Nicole Beharie in Sleepy Hollow. CR: Brownie Harris/FOX

The second half of Sleepy Hollow premieres Jan. 5! To catch up, check out my Sleepy Hollow collection at the COLOR Amazon Store!