If you missed this week’s black-ish episode, “The Gift of Hunger,” I’ve recapped it for Entertainment Weekly!

In this episode, Andre and Rainbow decide it’s time to teach their kids the value of a dollar. But are their kids actually “spoiled” like Andre believes, or are they just “comfortable”?

After his kids (and Rainbow) bail on him at the Beef Plantation, Andre comes to the not-so-reasonable conclusion that his kids are spoiled. Or, maybe it’s not so unreasonable—it is Andre and Rainbow’s combined income and their desire to give their kids more than what they had growing up. That leads to maybe not spoiled kids, but comfortable kids. Most of us are “comfortable” nowadays. Just like many of your parents out there, my dad also made sure my siblings and I had more than he had growing up, even leading him to give us comically sized portions for dinner. I just wrote I don’t like buffets. I’m clearly a “comfortable” person who can relate to these kids.

Read the rest at EW.com!